
4 Reasons Why Your Website Does Not Have Good Ranking

If you are new to Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO in short, be aware that almost every site may not get a lot of traffic from Google. As per statistics, less than 10 out of 100 web pages are generating traffic from Google. If your site is getting a good amount of traffic from Google, that’s a great thing for you and your website. But if you’re in the 90% of other web pages that don’t get traffic, it’s probably because of these 4 major reasons.

  1. Backlinks

One of the main reasons is that backlinks are important for every Web site. Ahrefs has many studies which show that backlinks are parallel factors for SEO success. These parallel factors mean that the more backlinks you get from multiple websites, the more likely you are to get organic traffic.

  1. Keywords

If you have more than 500 referring domains and still not able to generate traffic, it is simply another reason that your page is not focused on the topic or relevant keyword. No one is searching that keyword or topic that you are writing.

Now the main question that arises is how do you get search engine traffic? For this, there is an easy way to get trending keywords. You can use free tools like Google Trends and Ubersuggest, these tools help in gathering the basic knowledge and keyword information such as if this keyword is easy to rank or how many keywords you get to drive traffic and all other terms related to search volume.

  1. Metadata

If you do not put your targeted keywords in Meta tags, H1 tags, and Title tags. Study Shows the correlation between keywords H1 tags, titles and description. A big question arises: How does Google find your article or webpage? The answer is that Google finds the keyword or search term used on the web page in the meta, H1 and description tags through crawling and indexing features and then displays results on its search engine.

  1. Security

In the past recent years, HTTPS has been optional, but it is now a mandatory factor for search results. If you want to rank your website, you must connect the SSL certificate (HTTPS) with your domain. This is also another reason your site isn’t ranking.


Sometimes self-diagnosis of your website is a trivial game and maybe it is not generating as much traffic as you would expect. If you are doing your best, but still find your site stuck with no traffic, don’t worry. Check out our professional SEO services and let’s talk about how we can work to ensure your site gets the traffic it deserves!

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